Monday, March 05, 2007

A "HomeTeam" kinda weekend!

Hello out there in blog-world!!! Sorry I haven’t been around much… life has been hectic to say the least! I am alive & well and all that icky pneumonia has completely disappeared, so life is good.

This past weekend was FABULOUS. As you know, the HomeTeam show aired over the weekend. It did NOT air on WGN Saturday like it was (we thought) supposed to…however, it appears that it WILL air next Saturday on WGN – I think that station runs about a week behind the various local affiliates or something. Anyway, luckily for us, we had a dvd of “our” episode that the producer sent us!!!!

Saturday (in anticipation of the show coming on at noon) we had a viewing party at my house. MANY Patriot Guard Riders invaded my neighborhood again, hehehehe. Guess my neighbors better get used to it, haha!!! We had several PGRs, a few local friends and one or two fellow church members watching with us. I had done a lot of baking (I’d made about 3 dozen sugar cookies, a chocolate cake, baked macaroni & cheese (from scratch), a salad, a vegetable tray, and potato chips) and others brought stuff as well: Sodas, lasagna, chilled shrimp for an appetizer, and probably other stuff as well that I can’t remember. (by the end of the afternoon, there wasn’t much left!). Another very special guest was Marcia Kincaid, mom of fallen soldier Aaron Kincaid. She had done a lot of work on my house as well, together with Robert Stokely and about a gazillion other awesome people. Oh, and how could I forget?! One of my “babies,” Sgt. C (the one I inadvertently told about the soldier he knew who died in Iraq!), was there too, with his daughter and grandma!!!!! Yay!!!!

Anyway, we all watched the DVD and totally bawled our eyes out. They did a FABULOUS job with the show… it was just fantastic. I wish it could have been a 3-hour show, hahaha, cuz there are a lot of little things that I would have loved to have seen in there… but really they did a GREAT job. I totally can’t wait till the show sends me copies of the DVD so I can send it out to my “babies” in the Sandbox!!! :-)

Later that evening, hubby and I took Marcia to The Blue Willow Inn for dinner. As I’d suspected would be the case, she LOVED it. The place is so gorgeous (a 1910 mansion, renovated to a restaurant) and the food is SOOOOO good! We all ate till we just about POPPED! The sweetest moment of the evening came when we got the check. Not only did they give us Marcia’s meal FOR FREE, they also gave hubby and I $5 off of each of our dinners, charging us the lunch price instead of the dinner price. I think they did that just in case we hadn’t cried enough already that day…hehehe… Based on prior experience, I was not surprised they gave Marcia hers for free – but was totally shocked to find “our” discount, as well. If you are ever in GA, you MUST eat at the lue Willow Inn. Not only is the food fabulous, they are good people who take care of our Heroes – our soldiers and their families.

Sunday, we went to church as usual. Our church (which was featured heavily in the show – many, if not most, of the people working on the home in the show, were from our church) had a viewing party immediately following service, so we got to see it all over again. And I STILL totally cried my eyes out, even tho I’ve seen it before. I’ll probably always cry every time I watch it!

Anyway, that was our awesome, emotional weekend over here. I’m way behind on my schoolwork from everything that is going on. My second anthropology test netted another very disappointing “C.” ACK! I can’t wait till this semester is OVER cuz I really, really need a good long break!!!

Gotta run – will be posting more soon, I hope!


Dustin said...

Kat, AWESOME!!!! I got to watch it last night!!!

DNR said...

Someday, I will be in the area and we can watch it again!!!

I am SOOOOOoooooo happy for you!!

Kat said...

wooohoo!!! Awesome! The really cool thing about the dvd is...NO COMMERCIALS! LOL c'mon over anytime. :)

Anonymous said...

Can't WAIT to see it--you don't know how disappointed I was NOT to see it! The only good part that got me excited were the commercials--bits of YOUR show with the Lays commercials!! So now we'll be kept in suspense for yet another week.....
Vicki G

Kat said...

I totally CANNOT wait till you see the show, Vicki -- seriously!!! :) it is sooo awesome and so well done..... have billions of kleenex...

Anonymous said...

I was soooooooo bummed when it didn't air this weekend. It better be on next Saturday or I'm gonna be so mad.

Anonymous said...

what a bummer, I made popcorn and everything!! They better show it next week, or I'm gonna complain to management.

Kat said...

LOL - pirate, if they don't run it, I'll personally mail you an autographed DVD of the show. ;) LOL

Georgia Blogger