I got an email from one of my soldiers today! I asked him if he received the Valentine's cards and candy shipped over... thought I'd share his reply with y'all! Thanks for everything -- Y'all did good! :) Happy soldiers means a happy Momma Kat! :)
YES I DID!You really made a whole BUNCH of days!
Well, I got ONE of them... the rest of them were passed out to everybody I could find. I had to slit open the bags of candy and drop them into the box, because we have some senior-ranking TOCroaches here that will snag a whole bag.
*High five* Good job, y'all!!!!!!!! MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!
Stay tuned for July 4 card drive - beginning in late April or early May!
Happy valentines day to you kat...
hey kat, Im back up.
I have a weekly column at http://fasterthantheworld.com/ called Any Port In A Storm that runs on Tuesdays, starting tomorrow:)
That is great news Kat.
Happy Valentines!
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