Thursday, January 25, 2007

You MUST read this and see the video

I don't care what's on your "to-do" list right now...whatever it is can wait a few minutes more. You've just GOT to STOP EVERYTHING, go over & visit "American Soldier's" blog and read his post - and you MUST watch the video, as well. It will give you a whole new soldiers-eye view on being in a war, being wounded in a war.... and of the sacrifices our heroes make.

Here is a snippet of his post - but you've got to go to his blog to read the rest and see the video.

If I die in Iraq

American Soldier says,

I know this mindset.

I stumbled across this video this morning and it really brought me back. While holding my baby daughter in my arms I clicked on this video. I’ve never really spoken or written of the day I got hurt. The exact details and what happened to me when it actually happened still embedded in my brain. I’m talking about the spiritual event that occurred at the very moment of the explosion. Beyond the pain it was the mindset and feeling that I was about to leave my body and move on. The visions in my mind were quite peaceful and reassuring that it was ok. Not many people have had a near death experience and come back to tell about it. I’ve kept it sort of private because I didn’t really know how to describe it.

So I clicked on this video and literally found myself tearing up and remembering my moment. The day that my world was turned upside down. A warm morning in Ramadi. In what was probably seconds these were my thoughts.... READ THE REST BY CLICKING HERE!


kdzu said...

Thats really what our guys are fighting for.
No matter the political or terrorist aspects, the guys on the blunt end of the sphear just want to get themselves and their friends back to their families.
This in no way diminishs their other reasons at all.

Georgia Blogger