Saturday, December 09, 2006

Another Georgia Hero Honored

Received this from Mr. Robert Stokely recently...just now getting around to posting it (sorry!) cuz life has been so chaotic and crazy. Anyway, this is great news and had to share!

It is my pleasure to spread the word that at approximately 10:45 p.m. on Friday Dec. 9, 2006, the House of Representatives, under the sponsorship of Congressman Lynn Westmoreland (8th District GA), enacted the Senate Bill that passed earlier in the week (co-sponsored by Senator Johnny Isakson and Senator Saxby Chambliss, GA) whereby the Thomsaton Georgia Post Office will be renamed the Seargeant First Class Robert Lee "Bobby" Hollar Jr. Post Office, in honor of this brave E Troop 108th CAV 48th Brigade GAARNG US Army soldier who was killed in action by IED near Mahmudiyah on September 1, 2005. This has been an effort that was originally put forth by Mack Gadsen, a Postal Inspector in North Carolina, and who worked very hard to help bring this honorable project to fruition. This will be a great honor for the Hollar family, especailly Amanda and Bobby's two boys.

Bobby Hollar was a postal carrier in his civilian job. He has been sorely missed by all who knew him, and those of us who came to know him after his death in Iraq. He leaves a legacy and memory of service most deserving of having a postal facility named for him. Bobby moved to Thomsaton GA as a child and has family in the immediate area.

As has been said - a country that fails to remember its fallen warriors will soon itself be forgotten. Today, America honors herself by remembering this fallen hero, and therein, we ensure we, the living carrying on, will not be forgotten. Well done Senators Isakson, Chambliss and Congressman Westmoreland. Well done Congress.

Robert Stokely


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