Monday, August 28, 2006

Norris doing better...! :)

Hey there on Monday morning, August 28th, 2006.

Norris had a good night last night. He has two less tubes (the Foley and NG tubes are out) it is easier for us to get him up and go walking now. He gets up out of bed on his own and can walk now, only slowly. The Doctors said that if he can tolerate sipping water and eating a few ice chips today, they can let him have some Jello and broth. His only complaint is that every morning at 5:30 the lab has to come and get one can ever get any....they have stuck him everywhere and can't get any blood. God watches over us, though....He sent us an angel in the form of a nurse named Pollard. She is tall, black and beautiful and she is a PRO! The only blood she could get was out of his left foot, and it was brown, thick and sticky....but she got some. She did that yesterday morning. This morning she got some from the left foot and some from the right wrist (after two other people had stuck him twice!)...but she got enough for two vials...short of the four they wanted...but maybe they can half it. The other great news is that he has bowel sounds! WOO HOO! A nurse from Plastic surgery came up this morning and said..."There is definately movement in there" maybe his bowels will start working soon. Then he can EAT! We are going to walk about 9:00 am this morning and then go again with Physical Therapy at about 11:00 am....then I can go and get a shower and ship off Jason's care package to Iraq while Norris is resting. The abdomenal staples look good and the little drainage bulbs look good, so we're hopeful that they will be removed soon. We're getting better every day.....just pray that he does not develop a blood clot or infection and ask God to get his bowels moving. Thank you for all your prayers and support. Love you all. Janis and Norris Galatas


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