Thursday, October 06, 2005

*sigh* My latest test score...

Well, you may remember last week I took an environmental science test and have been waiting to get my results. OK, so you probably DON'T remember that, but I know I mentioned it somewhere on here.... Well, anyway, tonight was the fateful night....

I was feeling OK, pretty confident in my low-to-mid-B prediction...UNTIL someone asked (before the teacher began handing back the tests) how everyone did. She said, "eeehhhh..... well....." And i'm thinking, OMG that's NOT a good sign... someone else asked what the grade range was. Teacher said, "The person who got the hightest grade had a 91. The lowest grade was somewhere in the 40's." OMG by this time, I'm panicking.... my previous semi-confidence in my aBility to get a B on that test totally evaporated, POOF! I was officially a nervous wreck, and everyone else around me likewise looked relatively terror-stricken. Teacher started handing out test... groan after groan, "Oh man, I thought I'd got that right!" with an occaisional, "Whew!" echoed thru the classroom. Of course I was one of the last people to get my test back. By this time, I'm about dead from nerves. Finally, she gave me my test back. I was really scared, but made myself look at the grade.......

I got the 91.

*whew* *Kat collapses with RELIEF and SHOCK*


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