Friday, February 10, 2006

happy b-day to me! Now I'm 33!

Yep, today, February 10, 2006 ~ I am officially 33 years old! :-) I came home today and found two birthday cards from two friends at Angels 'n Camouflage, AND hubby had a dozen roses delivered to me at work, AND he spent God only knows how many hours writing a sweet poem for me. :-) Tomorrow night, his dad & stepmom (the set of inlaws that LIKES me, not the set that doesn't, hehe!) are taking us to my favorite restaraunt. This is the place we too Sgt. Missick to when he came to visit us in July, and where hopefully (finances allowing, haha!) we will take Dear Hero (incidently, I'm changing his nickname to "The Outlaw" ~ just for future reference) when he visits this summer. :-)

Hope all y'all have a great weekend!


Georgia Blogger